Saturday, January 26, 2008

oh god it burns

Acute conjunctivitis. I chemically burned my right eye with some hydrogen peroxide. (Not on purpose, of course.) Last night my lenses were feeling a little dry, so I went in the bathroom to soak them before meeting up with Jen. I didn't want my eyes to be irritated while I was hanging out with her. I apparently picked up the wrong bottle and spent the larger part of the next minute hunched over trying to claw the burning out of my head. Yeesh. It sorta worked out, though, since my lenses were very effectively moistened by all the crying. So if I look weird Monday, this is why.

In work news, I made great progress Friday. I consolidated the print list and media lists in my reserve tracking database and solved a problem with report generation that I'd been wrangling with all week. Up until then I had been trying to heat one pot on two burners and not having much luck at all. I processed a bunch of e-reserves also; it was a good day. Patron traffic was about average.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A hankering for donuts

A few days ago, my girlfriend wanted a donut. As I mulled her craving it occurred to me that I hadn't had a donut in months. Now I have the craving also, and so far, six donuts later, it hasn't been satiated. Wait, that's misleading... I only actually ate two of the six donuts today. Even though they were from Intermezzo, they were pretty tasty. I think campus donuts are better than Krispy Kreme donuts, primarily because of the differences in the glaze. Now if I could just find a place on campus that serves the always-preferred donut hole.

also i scanned a lot of pages and answered some patrons' questions about stuff

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Сегодня - хороший день. Мой стол более чист.

Я хочу писать на русском языке часто, но я пишу очень медленно по компьютере.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is a terrible time of year

I've been trying to find the time to set this up for weeks. I'm still working to clear the course reserve request backlog, but, on the bright side, I don't think I'm going to be seeing any new list submissions.